Shriman Narayaneeyam

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Dashaka 80

सत्राजितस्त्वमथ लुब्धवदर्कलब्धं
दिव्यं स्यमन्तकमणिं भगवन्नयाची: ।
तत्कारणं बहुविधं मम भाति नूनं
तस्यात्मजां त्वयि रतां छलतो विवोढुम् ॥१॥

सत्राजित:- from Satraajit
त्वम्-अथ Thou then
लुब्ध-वत्- greedy man like
अर्क-लब्धं from the sun attained
दिव्यं स्यमन्तक-मणिं divine Syamantaka jewel
भगवन्-अयाची: O Lord Thou asked for
तत्-कारणं the reason
बहु-विधं many fold
मम भाति नूनं to me appeals indeed
तस्य-आत्मजां his daughter
त्वयि रतां in Thee infatuated
छलत: विवोढुम् by strategy to marry

Thou then like a greedy man asked for the divine Syamantaka jewel from Satraajit who had got it from the Sun god. O Lord! The reasons for this may be many. What appeals to me indeed is that this was a strategy by which Thou wanted to marry his daughter (Satyabhaamaa) who was in love with Thee.

अदत्तं तं तुभ्यं मणिवरमनेनाल्पमनसा
प्रसेनस्तद्भ्राता गलभुवि वहन् प्राप मृगयाम् ।
अहन्नेनं सिंहो मणिमहसि मांसभ्रमवशात्
कपीन्द्रस्तं हत्वा मणिमपि च बालाय ददिवान् ॥२॥

अदत्तं तं not giving that
तुभ्यं मणिवरम्- to Thee the precious jewel
अनेन-अल्प-मनसा by him the narrow minded
प्रसेन:-तत्-भ्राता Prasena, his brother
गल-भुवि वहन् in the neck wearing
प्राप मृगयाम् went hunting
अहन्-एनम् सिंह: killed him the lion
मणि-महसि in the jewel brilliance
मांस-भ्रम-वशात् for flesh mistaking,
कपीन्द्र:-तं हत्वा the great monkey him (the lion) killing
मणिम्-अपि च the jewel also and
बालाय ददिवान् to (his) child gave

The narrow minded one (Satraajit) did not give the precious jewel to Thee. His brother Prasena wore it round his neck and went away hunting. A lion mistook the jewel because of its brilliance to be a lump of flesh and so he killed Prasena. The great monkey (Jaambavaana) killed the lion and gave the jewel to his child.

शशंसु: सत्राजिद्गिरमनु जनास्त्वां मणिहरं
जनानां पीयूषं भवति गुणिनां दोषकणिका ।
तत: सर्वज्ञोऽपि स्वजनसहितो मार्गणपर:
प्रसेनं तं दृष्ट्वा हरिमपि गतोऽभू: कपिगुहाम् ॥३॥

शशंसु: talked about
सत्राजित्-गिरम्-अनु Satraajit's words following
जना:-त्वां मणि-हरं the people, Thou jewel thief
जनानां पीयूषं for the people nectar like
भवति गुणिनां it is of the virtuous
दोष-कणिका fault slightest
तत: सर्वज्ञ:-अपि therefore knowing everything also
स्व-जन-सहित: Thy people along with
मार्गण-पर: to search intent
प्रसेनं तं that Prasen
दृष्ट्वा हरिम्-अपि seeing the lion also
गत:-अभू: went
कपि-गुहाम् (into) the monkey's cave

Influenced by the allegations of Satraajit, people suspected that Thou had stolen the jewel. Even a slight fault in the conduct of the virtuous person is like nectar for people in general, for it gives them a chance to slight that person. In spite of the fact that Thou knew everything about the jewel, Thou went in search for it with Thy men. Thou saw Prasena and the lion lying dead and thus were led to the monkey (Jaambavaan's) cave.

भवन्तमवितर्कयन्नतिवया: स्वयं जाम्बवान्
मुकुन्दशरणं हि मां क इह रोद्धुमित्यालपन् ।
विभो रघुपते हरे जय जयेत्यलं मुष्टिभि-
श्चिरं तव समर्चनं व्यधित भक्तचूडामणि: ॥४॥

भवन्तम्-अवितर्कयन्- Thee not identifying
अति-वया: due to age
स्वयं जाम्बवान् himself Jaambavaan
मुकुन्द-शरणं to Mukunda surrendered
हि माम् क:-इह indeed me, who here
रोद्धुम्-इति-आलपन् is to obstruct, thus saying
विभो रघुपते O Lord Raama!
हरे जय जय-इति-अलं O Hari! Victory to Thee! Thus
मुष्टिभि:-चिरं with fists for long
तव समर्चनम् व्यधित Thy worship performed
भक्तचूडामणि: the crest jewel of the devotees

The aged Jaambavaan did not know Thy identity and so exclaimed, 'who has come to obstruct me who has Mukund as his only resort?' As, the crest jewel of the devotees, he was invoking Thee with "O Lord Raam! O Hari! Victory be to Thee!, he worshipped Thee with blows of his fists.

बुध्वाऽथ तेन दत्तां नवरमणीं वरमणिं च परिगृह्णन् ।
अनुगृह्णन्नमुमागा: सपदि च सत्राजिते मणिं प्रादा: ॥५॥

बुध्वा-अथ recognizing (Thee) then
तेन दत्तां by him was given
नव-रमणीं to the young girl (his daughter)
वर-मणिं च the precious jewel and
परिगृह्णन् accepting
अनुगृह्णन्-अमुम्- blessing him
आगा: सपदि returning immediately
च सत्राजिते and to Satraajit
मणिं प्रादा: the jewel gave back

Finally when Jaambavaan recognized Thee, he gave to Thee his young daughter and the jewel. Thou accepted them and blessed him, and immediately returned and gave back the jewel, the Syamantaka Mani, to Satraajit.

तदनु स खलु ब्रीलालोलो विलोलविलोचनां
दुहितरमहो धीमान् भामां गिरैव परार्पिताम् ।
अदित मणिना तुभ्यं लभ्यं समेत्य भवानपि
प्रमुदितमनास्तस्यैवादान्मणिं गहनाशय: ॥६॥

तदनु स खलु thereafter he indeed
ब्रीला-लोल: shame filled with
विलोल-लोचनां with loving eyes
दुहितरम्-अहो the daughter Oh!
धीमान् the intelligent one (Satraajit)
भामान् Satyabhaamaa
गिरा-एव by words only
पर-अर्पिताम् given to another
अदित मणिना gave (along with) the jewel
तुभ्यम् लभ्यम् to Thee, the worth getting
समेत्य भवान्-अपि having got, Thou also
प्रमुदित-मना:- with a happy mind
तस्य-एव-आदात्- to him only gave back
मणिम् the jewel
गहन-आशय: deep thinking (Thou)

Satraajit, the intelligent one, was then filled with shame for his conduct with Thee. He had given away his roving eyed daughter Satyabhaamaa to someone verbally only. He gave her to Thee along with the jewel. Thou, happily, with Thy deep and unfathomable reasoning gave back the jewel, having got what was worth getting (Satyabhaamaa).

व्रीलाकुलां रमयति त्वयि सत्यभामां
कौन्तेयदाहकथयाथ कुरून् प्रयाते ।
ही गान्दिनेयकृतवर्मगिरा निपात्य
सत्राजितं शतधनुर्मणिमाजहार ॥७॥

व्रीला-आकुलां by shyness overcome
रमयति त्वयि (her) delighting (when) Thou were
सत्यभामाम् her Satyabhaamaa
कौन्तेय-दाह- the son's of Kunti's burning
कथया-अथ news, then
कुरून् प्रयाते Thou to Kurukshetra went away
ही how shameful
गान्दिनेय-कृतवर्म-गिरा by Akrura and Kritavarmaa's words
निपात्य सत्राजितं killing Satraajit
शतधनु:-मणिम्-आजहार Shatadhanu the jewel took away

When Thou were delighting the shy Satyabhaamaa, there was the news of Kunti's sons being burnt in the wax palace. So Thou went away to the land of the Kurus. Under the promptings of Akrura and Kritvermaa, Shatadhanu killed Satraajit and took away the jewel.

शोकात् कुरूनुपगतामवलोक्य कान्तां
हत्वा द्रुतं शतधनुं समहर्षयस्ताम् ।
रत्ने सशङ्क इव मैथिलगेहमेत्य
रामो गदां समशिशिक्षत धार्तराष्ट्रम् ॥८॥

शोकात् due to grief
कुरून्-उपगताम्- to the country of Kuru's having come
अवलोक्य कान्तां seeing (Thy) wife
हत्वा द्रुतं शतधनुं killing quickly Shatadhanu
समहर्षय:-ताम् appeased her
रत्ने सशङ्क इव about the jewel doubting, as though
मैथिल-गेहम्-एत्य to the king of Mithila's abode reaching
रामो गदां Balaraam the mace wielding
समशिशिक्षत taught well
धार्तराष्ट्रम् to Duryodhana

Satyabhaama was overcome with grief and went to Kurukshetra. Seeing her, Thou quickly killed Shatadhanu and made her happy. As though doubting the whereabouts of the jewel, Balaraam went to the abode of the king of Mithilaa. There he very well trained Duryodhana in the art of wielding the mace.

अक्रूर एष भगवन् भवदिच्छयैव
सत्राजित: कुचरितस्य युयोज हिंसाम् ।
अक्रूरतो मणिमनाहृतवान् पुनस्त्वं
तस्यैव भूतिमुपधातुमिति ब्रुवन्ति ॥९॥

अक्रूर एष Akrura, this
भगवन् O Lord!
भवत्-इच्छया-एव by Thy will alone
सत्राजित: कुचरितस्य of Satraajit, the notorious
युयोज हिंसाम् caused the death
अक्रूरत: मणिम्- from Akrura the jewel
अनाहृतवान् पुन:-त्वं did not take back again Thou
तस्य एव भूतिम्- his alone prosperity
उपधातुम्- to bring about
इति ब्रुवन्ति so it is said

This, Akrura, O Lord! By Thy will alone caused the death of the notorious Satraajit. It is said that with a mind to bring about his prosperity, Thou did not take back the jewel from Akrura.

भक्तस्त्वयि स्थिरतर: स हि गान्दिनेय-
स्तस्यैव कापथमति: कथमीश जाता ।
विज्ञानवान् प्रशमवानहमित्युदीर्णं
गर्वं ध्रुवं शमयितुं भवता कृतैव ॥१०॥

भक्त:-त्वयि devoted to Thee
स्थिरतर: very firmly
स हि गान्दिनेय: that indeed Akrura
तस्य-एव his also
कापथ-मति: evil mind
कथम्-ईश जाता how O Lord! was produced
विज्ञानवान् all knowing
प्रशमवान्-अहम्- well self controlled am I
इति-उदीर्णं गर्वं thus bloated vanity
ध्रुवं शमयितुम् certainly to curb
भवता कृता-एव by Thee was brought about only

Akrura was very firmly devoted to Thee. O Lord! How could there be an evil thought in his mind (of killing Satraajit and getting the jewel)? He was bloated with the vanity of having self knowledge and self control. Certainly to curb that, Thou brought this about.

यातं भयेन कृतवर्मयुतं पुनस्त-
माहूय तद्विनिहितं च मणिं प्रकाश्य ।
तत्रैव सुव्रतधरे विनिधाय तुष्यन्
भामाकुचान्तशयन: पवनेश पाया: ॥११॥

यातं भयेन having fled in fear
कृतवर्मयुतं Kritvarma along with
पुन:-तम्-आहूय again calling him
तत्-विनिहितम् च with him hidden and
मणिम् प्रकाश्य the jewel bringing out
तत्र-एव सुव्रत-धरे there only (him) with good deeds, endowed
विनिधाय तुष्यन् retaining and satisfying him
भामा-कुचान्त-शयन: (on) Satyabhaamaa's bosom reclined
पवनेश पाया: O Lord of Guruvaayur! Save me

Akrura with Kritvarma fled in fear. Thou called him again and brought out the jewel hidden with him. Thou then let him retain the jewel who was of good conduct, and satisfied him. Thou then lived happily with Satyabhaamaa reclining on her bosom. O Lord of Guruvaayur! save me.

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