Shriman Narayaneeyam

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Dashaka 78

त्रिदिववर्धकिवर्धितकौशलं त्रिदशदत्तसमस्तविभूतिमत् ।
जलधिमध्यगतं त्वमभूषयो नवपुरं वपुरञ्चितरोचिषा ॥१॥

त्रिदिव-वर्धकि- heaven's architect
वर्धित-कौशलं excelling the skill
त्रिदश-दत्त- by the gods given
समस्त-विभूतिमत् all the majesties
जलधि-मध्यगतं in the ocean's middle situated
त्वम्-अभूषय: Thou adorned
नव-पुरं the new city
वपु:-अञ्चित- by Thy form's marked
रोचिषा resplendence

Even though Vishwakarmaa, the divine architect had employed all his excellent skills in building it and the gods had lavished all their divine embellishments on the city, which was situated in the middle of the ocean, it was adorned by the marked resplendence of Thy form.

ददुषि रेवतभूभृति रेवतीं हलभृते तनयां विधिशासनात् ।
महितमुत्सवघोषमपूपुष: समुदितैर्मुदितै: सह यादवै: ॥२॥

ददुषि (when) was given
रेवत-भूभृति by the Revata king
रेवतीं हलभृते Revatee for Balaraam
तनयां the daughter
विधि-शासनात् by Brahmaa's instructions
महितम्-उत्सव- great festive
घोषम्-अपूपुष: celebration was performed by Thee
समुदितै:-मुदितै: who had gathered happily
सह यादवै: with the Yaadavas

At the instructions of Brahmaa, the king of Revata gave his daughter Revatee in marriage to Balaraam. On this event with all the Yaadavaas, who had assembled, Thou happily performed a great festive celebration.

अथ विदर्भसुतां खलु रुक्मिणीं प्रणयिनीं त्वयि देव सहोदर: ।
स्वयमदित्सत चेदिमहीभुजे स्वतमसा तमसाधुमुपाश्रयन् ॥३॥

अथ विदर्भ-सुतां then, king of Vidarbh's (Bheeshmaka's) daughter
खलु रुक्मिणीं indeed Rukmini
प्रणयिनीं त्वयि in love with Thee
देव सहोदर: O Lord! Her brother
स्वयम्-अदित्सत of his own will decided to give
चेदि-महीभुजे to the Chedi king (Shishupaal)
स्व-तमसा because of his Tamas guna, ignorance
तम्-असाधुम्- him the non virtuous
उपाश्रयन् having made him a friend

The daughter of the king of Vidarbh (Bheeshmaka), Rukmini was indeed in love with Thee. O Lord! Her brother,Rukmi, due to his ignorance caused by his Tamas guna, of his own will resolved to give her to the Chedi king Shishupaal. Rukmi had made friends with Shishupaal who was totally non virtuous.

चिरधृतप्रणया त्वयि बालिका सपदि काङ्क्षितभङ्गसमाकुला ।
तव निवेदयितुं द्विजमादिशत् स्वकदनं कदनङ्गविनिर्मितं ॥४॥

चिर-धृत-प्रणया for long holding love
त्वयि बालिका for Thee, the girl
सपदि at once
काङ्क्षित-भङ्ग- (her) desire being broken
समाकुला (foreseeing) and distressed
तव निवेदयितुम् to Thee, to communicate
द्विजम्-आदिशत् a Braahmin instructed
स्व-कदनं her distress
कदन-अङ्ग- the cruel Cupid
विनिर्मितम् caused by

For a long time holding love for Thee, which was brought about by the cruel Cupid, the girl at once instructed a Brahmin to acquaint Thee of her distress by the immanent threat to the fulfillment of her desire,

द्विजसुतोऽपि च तूर्णमुपाययौ तव पुरं हि दुराशदुरासदम् ।
मुदमवाप च सादरपूजित: स भवता भवतापहृता स्वयम् ॥५॥

द्विज-सुत:-अपि the Brahmin boy also
च तूर्णम्-उपाययौ and soon reached
तव पुरं हि Thy city indeed
दुराश-दुरासदं for the wicked inaccessible
मुदम्-अवाप च and great joy attained
सादर-पूजित: with the honour received
स भवता he (was) by Thee
भव-ताप-हृता (who are) from worldly afflictions, the remover
स्वयम् Thyself

The Brahmin boy soon reached Thy city which is inaccessible to wicked minded people. He was highly delighted and attained great joy on being received with honour by Thyself the remover of the worldly travails and afflictions of men.

स च भवन्तमवोचत कुण्डिने नृपसुता खलु राजति रुक्मिणी ।
त्वयि समुत्सुकया निजधीरतारहितया हि तया प्रहितोऽस्म्यहम् ॥६॥

स च he and
भवन्तम्-अवोचत to Thee said
कुण्डिने in Kundina
नृप-सुता खलु the king's daughter indeed
राजति रुक्मिणी shines Rukmini
त्वयि समुत्सुकया in Thee deeply in love
निज-धीरता-रहितया her own restrain loosing
हि तया प्रहित:- indeed by her sent
अस्मि-अहम् am I

And he said to Thee 'In Kundinaa (capital of Vidarbha) lives the noble princess Rukmini. She is deeply in love with Thee. She who has lost her own restrain has indeed sent me here.'

तव हृताऽस्मि पुरैव गुणैरहं हरति मां किल चेदिनृपोऽधुना ।
अयि कृपालय पालय मामिति प्रजगदे जगदेकपते तया ॥७॥

तव हृता-अस्मि by Thee captivated am I
पुरा-एव since long even
गुणै:-अहं by (Thy) excellences, I
हरति मां किल capturing me indeed is
चेदि-नृप:-अधुना the Chedi king now
अयि कृपालय (कृपा-आलय) O Abode of Compassion!
पालय माम्-इति save me, thus
प्रजगदे was prayed
जगदेकपते (जगत्-एक-पते) O Lord of the worlds!
तया by her

From long since I am a captive of Thy excellences. Now the king of Chedi (Shishupaal) is going to captivate me. O Abode of Compassion! Save me.' O Lord of the worlds! Thus she prayed to Thee.

अशरणां यदि मां त्वमुपेक्षसे सपदि जीवितमेव जहाम्यहम् ।
इति गिरा सुतनोरतनोत् भृशं सुहृदयं हृदयं तव कातरम् ॥८॥

अशरणाम् helpless
यदि मां if me
त्वम्-उपेक्षसे Thou forsake
सपदि जीवितम्-एव soon life itself
जहामि-अहम् will kill I
इति गिरा सुतनो:- these words of the fair one
अतनोत् भृशं brought about deep
सुहृत्-अयं by this good hearted (Braahmin)
हृदयं तव कातरम् (in) heart Thy agitation

If Thou will forsake me, the helpless one, I will certainly end my life soon.' This massage of the fair Rukmini from the good hearted Braahmin, brought about deep agitation in Thy heart.

अकथयस्त्वमथैनमये सखे तदधिका मम मन्मथवेदना ।
नृपसमक्षमुपेत्य हराम्यहं तदयि तां दयितामसितेक्षणाम् ॥९॥

अकथय:- told
त्वम्-अथ-एनम्- Thou then to him
अये सखे O friend!
तत्-अधिका more than her
मम मन्मथ-वेदना (are) my love pangs
नृप समक्षम्- in the front of the kings
उपेत्य हरामि-अहं coming there will take away I
तत्-अयि तां so it is, O (friend), that
दयिताम्-असित-ईक्षणाम् dear dark eyed one

Thou then told him, 'O friend! My love pangs are more intense than hers. Therefore, I will come, and in presence of the kings, take away the dear dark eyed one.'

प्रमुदितेन च तेन समं तदा रथगतो लघु कुण्डिनमेयिवान् ।
गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक मे भवान् वितनुतां तनुतां निखिलापदाम् ॥१०॥

प्रमुदितेन च and with the delighted
तेन समं तदा with him then
रथ-गत: लघु getting into the chariot immediately
कुण्डिनम्-एयिवान् to Kundina (Thou) reached
गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक O Lord of Guruvaayur!
मे भवान् of me, Thou
वितनुतां तनुतां deign to bring about relief
निखिल-आपदाम् from all my afflictions

O Lord of Guruvaayur! Along with the highly delighted Braahmin, Thou immediately got into the chariot and soon reached Kundina. May Thou deign to bring about relief for me from all my afflictions.

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