Shriman Narayaneeyam

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Dashaka 60

मदनातुरचेतसोऽन्वहं भवदङ्घ्रिद्वयदास्यकाम्यया ।
यमुनातटसीम्नि सैकतीं तरलाक्ष्यो गिरिजां समार्चिचन् ॥१॥

मदन-आतुर-चेतस:- with minds overcome by the god of love
अन्वहं everyday
भवत्-अङ्घ्रि-द्वय- Thy two feet
दास्य-काम्यया to serve desiring
यमुना-तट-सीम्नि on the Yamunaa banks nearby
सैकतीं made of sand (an image)
तरल-आक्ष्य: the beautiful eyed ones (girls)
गिरिजां the goddess Kaatyaayini
समार्चिचन् worshipped

The beautiful eyed girls of Vraja, overcome by Cupid and love for Thee were desirous of serving Thy two lotus feet. To achieve this, everyday, on the banks of Yamunaa, they made an image of sand of goddess Girijaa and worshipped it.

तव नामकथारता: समं सुदृश: प्रातरुपागता नदीम् ।
उपहारशतैरपूजयन् दयितो नन्दसुतो भवेदिति ॥२॥

तव Thy
नाम-कथा-रता: name and deeds always immersed in
समं सुदृश: (they) all beautiful eyed (girls)
प्रात:-उपागता in the morning reaching
नदीम् the river
उपहार्-शतै:- with hundreds of offerings
अपूजयन् worshipping (prayed)
दयित: नन्दसुत: (that) husband, the son of Nanda
भवेत्-इति may become, thus

All the beautiful girls were always immersed in chanting Thy name and narrating Thy deeds. In the morning they would go to the river and worship goddess Girijaa with hundreds of offerings and pray to her that Nanda's son, Krishna, may become their husband.

इति मासमुपाहितव्रतास्तरलाक्षीरभिवीक्ष्य ता भवान् ।
करुणामृदुलो नदीतटं समयासीत्तदनुग्रहेच्छया ॥३॥

इति मासम्- thus for one month
उपाहित-व्रता:- having performed the vows
तरलाक्षी:- the beautiful eyed (girls)
अभिवीक्ष्य ता: seeing them
भवान् Thou
करुणा-मृदुल: by compassion moved
नदीतटं समयासीत्- to the river bank went
तत्-अनुग्रह- to bless them
इच्छया desiring

Thou were moved by compassion when Thou saw that the beautiful eyed girls had performed the vows for a month. With a desire to bless them Thou went to the river bank.

नियमावसितौ निजाम्बरं तटसीमन्यवमुच्य तास्तदा ।
यमुनाजलखेलनाकुला: पुरतस्त्वामवलोक्य लज्जिता: ॥४॥

नियम-अवसितौ vows/observances being completed
निज-अम्बरं their clothes
तट-सीमनि- on the river bank
अवमुच्य ता:- leaving they
तदा यमुना-जल- then in the Yamunaa waters
खेलन-आकुला: to sport eager
पुरत:-त्वाम्- in front Thee
अवलोक्य seeing
लज्जिता: felt ashamed

The observances of the vows being completed, they eagerly went to sport in the Yamunaa waters, leaving their robes behind, on the bank. Seeing Thee in front, they felt very ashamed.

त्रपया नमिताननास्वथो वनितास्वम्बरजालमन्तिके ।
निहितं परिगृह्य भूरुहो विटपं त्वं तरसाऽधिरूढवान् ॥५॥

त्रपया out of shame
नमित-आननासु- with hung heads
अथ: वनितासु- then (when) the girls
अम्बर-जालम्- the heap of clothes
अन्तिके निहितं near by kept
परिगृह्य taking away
भूरुह: विटपम् a tree's branch
त्वं तरसा- Thou quickly
अधिरूढवान् climbed up

The girls stood with their heads hung in shame. Thou took away the heap of their clothes lying near by and quickly climbed up the branch of a tree.

इह तावदुपेत्य नीयतां वसनं व: सुदृशो यथायथम् ।
इति नर्ममृदुस्मिते त्वयि ब्रुवति व्यामुमुहे वधूजनै: ॥६॥

इह तावत्- here then
उपेत्य नीयतां coming take
वसनं व: clothes you people
सुदृश: O beautiful eyed ones
यथायथम् इति each her own, thus
नर्म-मृदु-स्मिते (with) a soft sweet smile
त्वयि ब्रुवति (when) Thou said
व्यमुमुहे they were confused
वधूजनै: the girls

Come here, O beautiful eyed ones! Take each one of you your clothes,' Thou said with a soft sweet smile. The girls were confused when they were asked to do so.

अयि जीव चिरं किशोर नस्तव दासीरवशीकरोषि किम् ।
प्रदिशाम्बरमम्बुजेक्षणेत्युदितस्त्वं स्मितमेव दत्तवान् ॥७॥

अयि जीव चिरं O may you live long
किशोर dear boy
न:-तव दासी:- we (are) Thy servants
अवशी-करोषि किम् teasing us why
प्रदिश-अम्बरम्- give the clothes
अम्बुजेक्षण- O Lotus eyed one!
इति-उदित:- thus being told
त्वं स्मितम्-एव Thou smile only
दत्तवान् gave

O dear boy! May you live long. We are your hand maids. Why do you tease us thus? O Lotus eyed one! Give us our clothes.' Thus being told, Thou merely gave a smile.

अधिरुह्य तटं कृताञ्जली: परिशुद्धा: स्वगतीर्निरीक्ष्य ता: ।
वसनान्यखिलान्यनुग्रहं पुनरेवं गिरमप्यदा मुदा ॥८॥

अधिरुह्य तटं climbing up the bank
कृताञ्जली: with joined palms
परिशुद्धा: purified (at heart)
स्वगती:- (in Thee) as the sole resort
निरीक्ष्य ता: seeing, them (as such)
वसनानि- clothes
अखिलानि- all
अनुग्रहं blessings
पुन:-एवं again also
गिरम्-अपि- words (promise) also
अदा मुदा gave (to them) with joy

Thou saw that the girls had come up the bank with joined palms, that they were purified at heart and that they had surrendered to Thee as their sole resort.Thou with joy gave them back all their clothes and also words of promise as blessings.

विदितं ननु वो मनीषितं वदितारस्त्विह योग्यमुत्तरम् ।
यमुनापुलिने सचन्द्रिका: क्षणदा इत्यबलास्त्वमूचिवान् ॥९॥

विदितं ननु known indeed
व: मनीषितं (is) your desire
वदितार:- (I) will respond
तु-इह surely here
योग्यम्-उत्तरम् proper (befitting) answer
यमुना-पुलिने on the Yamunaa banks
सचन्द्रिका: (in) moon lit
क्षणदा: इति- nights, thus
अबला:- to the girls
त्वम्-ऊचिवान् Thou said

Known indeed is your desire to me. I will surely give a proper response, in the moon lit nights on the sand banks of Yamunaa.' Thus Thou said to the girls.

उपकर्ण्य भवन्मुखच्युतं मधुनिष्यन्दि वचो मृगीदृश: ।
प्रणयादयि वीक्ष्य वीक्ष्य ते वदनाब्जं शनकैर्गृहं गता: ॥१०॥

उपकर्ण्य hearing
भवत्-मुख-च्युतं from Thy mouth flowing
मधु-निष्यन्दि वच: honey dripping words
मृगीदृश: the doe-eyed (girls)
प्रणयात्-अयि with love, O Lord!
वीक्ष्य वीक्ष्य seeing again and again
ते वदन्-आब्जं Thy lotus face
शनकै:-गृहं गता: slowly home went

O Lord! The doe eyed girls heard Thy honey dripping words flowing from Thy mouth. Looking with love at Thy lotus face again and again they slowly went home.

इति नन्वनुगृह्य वल्लवीर्विपिनान्तेषु पुरेव सञ्चरन् ।
करुणाशिशिरो हरे हर त्वरया मे सकलामयावलिम् ॥११॥

इति ननु- thus indeed
अनुगृह्य blessing
वल्लवी:- the Gopikaas
विपिन-अन्तेषु in the forests
पुरा-इव सञ्चरन् before like moving about
करुणाशिशिर: O Compassionate and cool
हरे O Hari!
हर त्वरया put an end to, soon
मे सकल- my all
आमयावलिम् host of ailments

Thus Thou blessed the Gopikaas and continued to roam the woods as before. O Hari! With Thy such cooling compassion, quickly put an end to all my hosts of ailments.

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